From the Archives: Day 7


From the Archives Day 7: The more I'm stuck inside, the more I crave being outside. Obviously. This is a Polaroid that I've always loved. A happy accident, which is part of the process when you're using 30 year old plastic cameras and instant film full of temperature-sensitive chemistry. I can't remember where this was taken exactly, but it feels like my Western Massachusetts corn field days. Back then I was just falling in love with photography, using exclusively instant cameras for no other reason than I did not know how to use a 'real' camera. I was afraid of aperture and shutter speed, and thought I wasn't smart enough to graduate to a manual camera. I love the light leaks here, and the expired film tonality. It is magical and raw and has always felt so true to my relationship with Polaroids - instant photography lifted a veil for me. It's a good one.

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