Beachy Malibu Dog Photography At It's Best

I had such a wonderful Malibu dog photography session in Los Angeles recently with Sugar and Dre- two matching skinny brindled sweet pups. I met these beautiful Malibu dogs at a secluded public beach on a slightly overcast, breezy late afternoon. The light was perfect- very bright, but a little hazy, and the beach was big and open with magical rock croppings and caves scattered through out the shore. The texture (and pure joy in Sugar and Dre's faces while racing back and forth and jumping in and out of the water) of the beach and soft breeze gave this Los Angeles dog photography session a very classic Hollywood look. You just can't go wrong with dogs running around on a Malibu beach. jesse.freidin.dogphotographer

Whenever I get a cooperative breeze during a photography session, I like to make the hilarious joke that I ordered the 'natural wind machine' for the shoot. I'm not sure any of my clients have ever laughed at that nerdy photo joke, but I still think it's funny. The wind kept making great shapes with the crisp white dress my client was wearing, and gave an added layer of texture to her hair which I loved. With a stylist on hand for this shoot (sometimes clients bring stylists along in Los Angeles), these portraits have a really nice balance of beautifully planned make up and lighting, and natural chaos. That's a balance that is always so exciting for me. jessefreidin.petphotographylosangeles

What a ridiculous pair these two LA dogs were. Happy people, happy dogs, and a great beachy Malibu dog photography session!