Impossible Project features Impossible Dog Portraits

I truly believe that Thanksgiving is a time to pick your head up and be grateful. Maybe it has less to do with the historical event than simply a personal check-in, but either way I have a lot to feel grateful for this year. I have a great community of friends, photog associates, fellow artists, responsible dog owners and advocates, clients and supporters, and an amazing family. Oh, and the best tiny dog. I wake up everyday and do what I love most in a professional setting, watch my clients feel joy and appreciation when they unwrap their final prints, and take a professional step forward every single day. I have people I care about, and projects that inspire me. For all of this, I am grateful. In preparation for a fun project I am excited about (and so grateful for), I spent some time going through my catalogue of instant dog portraits taken on Impossible Project film. The Impossible Project recently began feauring some of their favorite instant photographers around the world on their website, along with a photo feature and interview (called the '8 Exposures' series). After following this great new series on their blog I was so surprised to get an email from their New York marketing director inviting me to participate. Emails like that really brighten up your day.

So, here are a few favorite Impossible Dog Portraits that won't be featured on the Impossible Project '8 Exposures' feature, but that I truly love.

Impossible Project dog portrait

Impossible Project dog portrait

Impossible Project dog portrait

Impossible Project dog portrait

Impossible Project dog portrait

Impossible Project dog portrait