Every once in a while I meet an artist whose work I truly love and respect. Then I make them my friend. And convince them to do a barter. Lili Chin (of Doggie Drawings: is an artist like me- her work is original and fun and personal, and all about dogs. It celebrates the character of our very special companions in a way no other illustrator out there can. You can't help but smile and laugh when you look through her portfolio. And you also can't help yourself from commissioning her to illustrate your dog, and then sending her 45million cute photos of your dog, from all angles, at all ages, in all stages of cuteness, to give her an idea of his character. Or, your obsessive personality. Either.

For our barter, Lili created two amazing illustrations of Pancake (my beloved Boston Terrier), and in turn I photographed Boogie (her beloved Boston Terrier). It was a really interesting study on how two artists express themselves, and how their unique styles capture a similar character and emotion, in completely different mediums. Below are Lili's illustrations, and then my favorite photos of Boogie. Enjoy!

(to commission Lili Chin, just visit tell her Pancake sent you.)